Solutions and Strategies for Re-entering Your Building

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A checklist to ensure your buildings are safe, ready for occupants and flexible for the future

As you prepare to re-open buildings for employees and visitors, steps should be taken to ensure the environment is safe and able to maintain healthy business operations. We've created several checklists and guidelines that you can use to return to operational readiness. Specifically, we take a closer look at the following topics:

  • Re-open your building – As you prepare to re-open buildings for employees and visitors, steps should be taken to ensure the environment is safe and able to maintain healthy business operations.
  • Keep building occupants safe, secure and well – Consider the different ways you’ll be working, changes to occupancy, how employees interact with each other, visitors and the building.
  • Cost-effective operations – Controlling operating expenses and enhancing building efficiency are easier than you may think.
  • Resilient, flexible operations – No one knows what the future holds, but we can take what we’ve learned to prepare buildings for future states, including pandemics and surges, and optimize the building infrastructure to support flexible, resilient spaces.

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